For my birthday in April, one of the gifts SisterStitches gave me was this very cute, custom-finished, small plastic case. SisterStitches appliqued the hexagons onto the padded cover and then bound the edge with some pretty cotton tape. Inside are three little compartments, and she filled them "up to the brim" with 2 1/2" squares of fabric.
I have been making these little squares into 1" hexagons. For a hexie this small I'm using a tiny applique pin to hold the fabric to the paper, and it's working just fine.
I was on vacation, which is why I haven't posted for a while, and I took this project along with me. I finished 82 hexagons while on my trip, and I had 22 made previously, so now I have a total of 104 hexagons. I would have completed more than 82 on my trip, but my spool of thread ran out! Judging by the stacks in the little compartments, I think I'm getting close to being half-way done.
I'm not sure what this will turn into, but we'll see when I get them all basted. Today I laid them all out on the dining room table just to get an idea of what they look like all together. I think it's wonderful randomness, don't you!?!
Here are a couple close-ups of the fun fabrics I get to work with. It is great fun to just pick up another square, never knowing what will be next in the stack. This was such a special and thoughtful gift from my sister. I'm having so much fun with it. Thank you, Honey!
I love the fabric with the numbers on it, don't you!?!