I am busily finishing up my quilts for my guild's challenge show this spring. The challenge coordinators were really, really urging people to have this be a big show, so I'm entering two quilts this year. The theme for the challenge is "Rhapsody in Hue" so I'm concentrating on lots of color. I've shown you sneak peeks previously, and that's still all I can reveal, I'm afraid.
One of my quilts is very red. In this photo you can see one of the front fabrics, a little bit of my scrappy border, and the flannel fabric that I used for the backing. MisterStitches really likes this quilt, so it will be a "TV quilt" to keep us warm at night when we're watching a movie.

And I was very excited to just a few days ago receive my second quilt back from my sister. SisterStitches has a room-size quilting machine, and she very graciously quilted this for me, as it is quite big. SisterStitches did an amazing job on my (our!) quilt. Her stitching is just so very good. I like just sitting and looking at this quilt. Somewhat like having a newborn in the house, I could just sit and look at this quilt for hours!

Here are just a couple views of the quilt. I really like it a lot, a great deal of which has to do with the quilting! Thanks, SisterStitches!

I am now finishing up the hand work on both of these quilts, sewing down the binding and hanging sleeves. The show starts April 1st (no fooling!) and I have many more inches to stitch down, so I'd better go get busy!
Oooowwwww Lovely! Can't wait for the show opening. :)