Some of you may know that I am a long-time subscriber to Bear Patch Bits. Clicking on the link will tell you how to receive 20 five-inch squares in the mail each month. Since I've been receiving them for so long, I have Quite A Few Squares. My plastic shoe box gets more and more crowded each month. Finally I said, "Enough!" (Not "enough" bear patch bits--I can never get too many of them!) But I knew that I had to finally do something to use all of these fabric squares (or at least a good chunk of them).
I am quite a fan of the half square triangle (HST) and have made a few baby quilts with them. Like here, here, and here. I like the process of sewing them, and how I get "two for the price of one." Because when I'm done sewing I have two identical squares.
So I started off by going through my squares and pairing up a light and dark value of the same color. I used my nifty Fons & Porter quarter inch seam marker, which made marking the squares pretty quick and easy. It has a center line to line up with the diagonal corners, and both edges of the ruler are 1/4 inch away from the center.
I used either a Frixion pen or a chalk pencil to mark the seam lines, depending on how light or dark the fabric was.
Here you can see a stack of squares which are all marked, just waiting to be chain pieced together. (I also love chain piecing!)
And here is one stack, all sewn, cut apart, and pressed.
This photo shows that the stack is as tall as this pill bottle.
And now I have finally stopped sewing squares together. {pant, pant} Then I counted them all. That was a big job, too! Do you want to guess the number of triangle squares I have?
Yes, five hundred ninety half square triangles. I couldn't believe it either. I think that should be enough to make a quilt. Maybe a big one!!
And at this point, my plastic shoe box looks like it went on a huge diet! Instead of being bursting to overflow status, it looks rather sad and empty. I didn't intend to use every single square, but I only left a few unsewn. Fortunately, my Bear Patch Bits continue to arrive, so my box is slowly building up another supply.