MisterStitches and I took our (seems to be) annual road trip to Scottsdale, Arizona for Giants spring training. We had a great drive down, listening to Strangers on a Train by Patricia Highsmith. You may have seen the old Alfred Hitchcock movie by the same name. The movie was based on this book.
The next day I took a jeep trip to the Sonora desert, a little ways outside of Scottsdale. That was fun! Hot and dusty, as one would expect. I learned a lot about cacti and desert animals and desert life.
And of course, we went to baseball games. We were able to go onfield before one game and watch the Giants take batting practice. It was really cool to be on the field, so close to the players.
Brandon Crawford (on the right) is one of my favorite players, in addition to being one of the cutest! Joe Panik isn't too bad either!
MissesStitches and Hunter Strickland. |
I got to have my photo taken with Hunter Strickland, one of the relief pitchers.
MissesStitches and Mac Williamson |
After the next game we got to go on the field again, and I had my photo taken with Mac Williamson. He also autographed my baseball hat. Pretty nice guy.
With all this time in the car, I was able to get some hand-sewing done. I hand-sewed the binding on my president's quilt, a good job done.
I can only show you a glimpse of this project, as it is for our guild challenge show in May, and I'll show you the whole thing then. I was doing needle turn appliqué on this piece.
And here are a few Christmas ornaments that I made. While at home, I did the pre-work of sewing two circles together. Then in the car I sewed the openings shut, and folded up the sides to form these ornaments.