Happy New Year, Everyone!!!
Another year has gone by, and a new one has arrived to take its place.
One thing that gets me going is that today is:
1 slash 1 slash 1 1
I know it's silly, but I always like it when date numbers line up like that. (It doesn't take much...) I just enjoy noticing these things when they occur. Like September 1st, 1991 appeared as 9/1/91 on checks that I wrote that day. I guess I can look forward to January 11, 2011 (1/11/11) as well. And November 11 will be awesome: 11/11/11!!
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Enough of the silliness. With all sincerity, I wish each of you a fulfilling 2011. Do you make New Years Resolutions? I don't, but I often reflect at the end of the year just where I am in my life, and think about what is good, what needs changing, etc. Sometimes I think of new projects for a new year, but not resolutions. One year I decided I would grow my hair out until the next December 31.
Also, on New Year's Eve, MisterStitches and I celebrate our wedding anniversary. After 34 years with this wonderful man, I can only say that I love him more. Yes, it's been a while since that below-zero-degree day in Iowa in 1976 when we said our vows. It feels like several lifetimes ago.
So glad I did it.
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In thinking about my "situation" this year, I'm feeling very content with my life, what I'm doing, where I am, what's going on. I have two wonderful kids, each married to someone that is also dear to me. One tremendous granddaughter who rocks my world. I love where I live. I have a lot of time to sew and quilt and play with fabric and paper. I come from a loving family, who care about me very much.
See! It couldn't get much better than this.
Also, this is my first full year of blogging (having started mid-year 2009), and it is something I really love. It's interesting and kind of a way of exploring myself. Gives me a chance to stand back and look at what I'm posting and what I'm doing. My list of blogs that I read has just gotten longer and longer, as I find new places to give me inspiration, new ideas, and just places to feel like I'm sharing as a friend. Cyber-friend, I guess.
I've been doing a better job the last few months with my walking and swimming. I am much aided by this website, where I am tracking my (virtual) walk across America. This is something that I very much want to continue throughout 2011. And beyond. But I'm not going to resolve to make X number of quilts for charity or anything like that. A project that I think I should undertake for this year would be to get myself a new camera, so I can show you some better photos!
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So last night MisterStitches and I went out for a New Years Eve dinner to one of our favorite restaurants. There was metallic confetti sprinkled all over the tables, and we managed to keep most of it out of our food! We declined the "festive" hat and tiara, noisemakers, and bubbles. But I did bring home a confetti "popper" which I can't wait to pop open.

Five wonderful courses of delicious and adventurous cuisine--it was amazing. MisterStitches mentioned to our waiter that it was our anniversary, so when our dessert came, another dessert plate came with it. It was a plate with some awesome truffles, a single birthday candle burning, and "Happy Anniversary" written in chocolate on the plate! It was so cool! I wish I'd taken my camera to dinner with me so I could share it with you.
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I plan to go forward into 2011 and make the most of it! I'm looking forward to making a lot of quilts and quilt projects. And happily, sharing them with you!!
I really enjoyed this post, Jan. I wad working om 1/11/11 and got a kick out of writing that all day; no, we aren't hard to entertain!