Friday, February 1, 2013

Blue Baby Afghan

Here is a baby afghan in light blue that I recently finished.  I used a different kind of yarn this time.  Instead of baby/sport weight, I used cotton yarn.  The cotton yarn has a little more "heft" than the lighter weight baby yarn.

Here is a close-up of the stitching.  Not sure if there's a name for this stitch, but it's simply one single crochet and one half-double crochet in the same stitch, then skip a stitch.  It made for an interesting texture, don't you think?

I also put a border on this afghan.  First I went around with single crochet, then with double crochet, then another row of single crochet.

Into the last row of single crochet I made a scalloped border.


  1. I like the border you added, it gives such a nice finished look.

  2. Thanks SisterStitches! I'm liking the borders too and am putting them on more afghans now.
