Sunday, April 26, 2009


I'm afraid that I haven't been posting lately, but it's because I've been so busy sewing things.  I took a whole lot of photos of what I've been making to show you, and I promise that soon I will get all caught up. 

Wouldn't these floor designs make great quilts!!!  They are from a cathedral floor in Greece and I was amazed when I saw them because they looked so much like quilts to me.  Hmmm...  I wonder if points and corners are easier or harder to match when working with stone rather than fabric!


  1. VERY COOL! I love spotting inspiration in unlikely places. I would love to see you do the one on the left! Looks HARD to me....

  2. Harmony, I took tons of photos of cathedral floors last fall in Europe. So beautiful and so inspiring. The one on the left looks tricky, but could be done. One day........

  3. I was in Greece a few years ago. I completely missed these floors. Boo hoo... Nice pics.

  4. Gail, these beautiful floors were everywhere! Even some wonderful designs on outside walkways sometimes.
