With BabyStitches just having had her third birthday, I did some more sewing for her. I'll show you some of it here.

DaughterStitches requested some new pants for BabyStitches, as she has outgrown the ones I made her last year (in this post). BabyStitches is growing by leaps and bounds, especially in her height. So I made these pants in size 4.

For these two pair of pants, you can see that I just reversed the order of two different fabrics. The blue floral is my guild president's quilt fabric. (No, I haven't been working on it yet!) For one of the pairs I put a ruffle on the bottom and used the side pockets. For the other I used a cuff on the bottom instead of the ruffle, and put the pockets on the back.

Then I had the idea to make BabyStitches a t-shirt with her age on it. I know that I made a onesie with "I'm 1" on it for her first birthday, and an appliqued Washington state shirt last Christmas, but I'm not sure if I did a "2" shirt for her.
But here is the third-year shirt. All I did was make the largest "3" in the word font of my choice, then enlarged it even further on a copier. I fused the three onto the shirt and did a machine blanket stitch around the edges. And what better fabric to use than the same red as I used for her pants!

She loves this shirt that "Nana made me". I don't think there is a two shirt, I kind of count the Washington shirt as her two shirt, even though there's no number on it! I love all the things you make for her! Thank you!